On Feb 20, 2020, Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program held its fourth provincial draw, wherein it invited 150 express entry candidates for permanent residence with comprehensive ranking score of 300.
The AINP issued a total of 150 invitations to candidates in the Express Entry and Occupations In-Demand categories. To be selected, eligible applicants must have lodged an Expression of Interest (EOI) profile with the Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program.
Applicants also do not require to have a job offer from the provincial employer to receive an invitation to apply (ITA) from the provincial government of Alberta.
Through the Canada Express Entry System, the government of Alberta invites skilled overseas workers who have the potential to thrive and prosper in the province by putting them in places where their skills are required the most.
Applicants who are interested in apply for Canada immigration through AINP route must create an EOI profile and demonstrate their genuine intentions to settle in Alberta by answering a series of questions related to their age, work experience, education, language proficiency, connections to the province, etc.
The government of Alberta assesses these factors to assign a CRS score to each and every profile. The highest scoring candidates are invited to further apply further for Canada PR visa.
Express Entry candidates with a certificate of nomination from Alberta will automatically receive 600 additional points over their existing CRS score. The certificate and the increased scores boost the applicant’s chances of obtaining Canadian PR.
The minimum CRS score of 300 is way too low as compared to the CRS score of the latest federal express entry draw, which was 471. Meaning the stream offers more opportunities for skilled workers with low scores in the comprehensive ranking system to apply for a permanent residency status in Canada.
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